2024-2025 ACSioN-Concordia Chapter Executive Board Elections

CENTRAL Coordinator:

No candidates: nominations to be re-opened

EDUCATION Coordinator:

1 candidate

FINANCE Coordinator:

1 candidate

OUTREACH Coordinator:

1 candidate

Where do these positions fit in ACSioN?

ACSioN-Concordia organizational chart

Expected time commitment:

Average of 5 hours per week inclusive of any meetings. May be more during weeks when events are held.

See below for more info about each role!

i. Ensures and oversees the implementation of the Network’s national directives and programs at the Chapter level.

ii. Communicates with the executive boards of all ACSioN-affiliated student groups based at Concordia University.

iii. Oversees the performance of the Chapter Executive Board.

iv. With the Outreach Coordinator, shall represent the Chapter Executive Board internally and externally on official occasions.

v. Shall call and preside over all meetings of the ACSioN Network-Concordia Chapter, both executive and general.

vi. Shall be responsible for outlining and creating a program of activities for the year in conjunction with the ACSioN Network-Concordia CEB, Network regional leadership team, and ACSioN Network NCA, bearing in mind the aims of ACSioN Network-Concordia, the wishes of the general membership, and the Network’s national directives and programs.

vii. Shall validate the minutes of all regular meetings after confirmation by the executive board.

viii. Shall be the co-signing officer with the Finance Coordinator of any check requisitions or purchase requisitions of ACSioN Network-Concordia.

ix. Shall be responsible for the presentation of an annual report of ACSioN Network-Concordia’s activities at the end of their term of office.

x. Shall be responsible for maintaining continuous contact with the parent and host organizations of ACSioN Network-Concordia, which are the ACSioN Canada NCA and the Concordia Student Union, respectively.

xi. Shall, in full concert with the other elected Coordinators, appoint all the new Assistant Coordinators of the CEB, as per Article 8.

xii. Shall perform such other duties as are inherent in the office of the Central Coordinator.

i. Shall, at the request of the Central Coordinator, assist the Central Coordinator in any of his/her executive duties.

ii. In the event that the Central Coordinator resigns from his/her post and/or is incapacitated and unable to carry out his/her duties, the Education Coordinator shall assume the responsibilities of the Central Coordinator by becoming the Acting Central Coordinator for an interim period. See Article 5 for details on the duration of such an interim period.

iii. Shall record all minutes, proceedings, motions and resolutions of ACSioN Network-Concordia.

iv. Shall read the minutes of the previous meeting in all regular meetings and having signed them shall present them, after confirmation to the Central Coordinator for his/her signature.

v. Shall act as custodian to all non-financial records, papers and documents.

vi. Stays abreast of current affairs pertaining to Africa and the African Diaspora.

vii. Develops dialogue advancement sessions (film screenings & discussions, etc.).

viii. Shall be responsible for organizing and coordinating any such academic programs which may be instituted for the benefit of membership.

ix. Shall be informed of all the activities of ACSioN Network-Concordia and shall be responsible for booking accommodations and providing the facilities necessary for the conduct of the same.

x. Shall, in full concert with the other elected Coordinators, appoint all the new Assistant Coordinators of the CEB, as per Article 8.

xi. Shall perform such other duties as are inherent in the office of Education Coordinator.

i. Oversees the budget of the Chapter, and its expenditures.

ii. Oversees ACSioN Network fundraising efforts at the Chapter level.

iii. Shall serve as custodian of all invoices and financial documents of ACSioN Network-Concordia.

iv. Shall be the co-signing officer with the Central Coordinator of any check requisitions, or purchase requisitions of ACSioN Network-Concordia.

v. Shall be responsible for all the monies of ACSioN Network-Concordia.

vi. Shall be responsible for the preparation of budgets in conjunction with the executive.

vii. Shall be responsible for the maintenance of proper accounting records, and for the issuance of the financial reports for ACSioN Network-Concordia to the ACSioN Network NEB, Concordia Chapter members, the Dean of Students Office, and the CSU upon request.

viii. Shall be responsible for presenting the financial report of the year’s activities at the end of term of office.

ix. Shall, in full concert with the other elected Coordinators, appoint all the new Assistant Coordinators of the CEB, as per Article 8.
x. Shall perform such other duties as are inherent in the office of Finance Coordinator.

i. Facilitates direct contact with potential and current members.

ii. Coordinates ongoing member engagement efforts according to national directives (Awareness program surveys, etc.).

iii. Shall be responsible for the publicizing of all the activities of ACSioN Network-Concordia, including the making of promotional materials.

iv. Shall guide prospective members in the membership application process, and shall be responsible for updating the ACSioN Network-Concordia University Chapter’s portion of the ACSioN Network‘s national member database.

v. Shall deal with the internal and external correspondence in conjunction with both the Central Coordinator and Education Coordinator.

vi. Shall, in full concert with the other elected Coordinators, appoint all the new Assistant Coordinators of the CEB, as per Article 8.

vii. Shall perform such other duties as are inherent in the office of the Outreach Coordinator.

NOTE: Prospective candidates may only apply for Coordinator roles at this time.

(Assistant Coordinators will be appointed by the elected Coordinators during the Fall 2024 semester.)

>> Additional details regarding all available roles can also be found in the ACSioN-Concordia chapter constitution (see Article 4).

Hi everyone!

Here’s your chance to join the 2024-2025 ACSioN-Concordia Executive Team! Your voice is unique and important, and we need to hear from you. Register to vote!

As you may know, each year we run our elections, an event where you get to select the individuals that will be representing you in this organization. And who knows, it could even be you!

Register now so you can participate as a voter OR as a candidate!


DEADLINE TO REGISTER (extended): Thursday August 15th, 2024 at 11:59pm.

DATE OF ELECTIONS: Friday August 16th, 2024 at 7:00pm.


[ how to run for a position ]​

Info session (optional)

Do you have questions about the elections, being a candidate, ACSioN-Concordia, or anything about being a student leader in general?

Join us for the virtual information session at 8:30pm on Thursday, August 15th 2024, hosted by ACSioN senior leadership members.

This session is optional, but highly recommended. Bring all your questions!


CLICK HERE TO REGISTER as a candidate:

by 11:59pm on Thursday, August 15th 2024.

Once that’s done, you’ll receive an email confirmation of your candidacy and we’ll follow-up with you about the campaign period.


Start your campaign!

Tell your fellow ACSioN-Concordia members about your vision for our community and how you can make a difference as part of next year’s exec team.

Also, don’t forget to ask them to vote for you – likes are nice but votes actually count!


Participate in the elections:

Friday, August 16th 2024 at 7:00PM.

Once you’ve registered, you’ll receive further details by email about how to participate in the actual elections on the big day.

Remember you have until Thursday, August 15th at 11:59pm to register, whether you want to vote or be a candidate.


All elected candidates must also participate in the following activities:

  • a) Post-election meeting (virtual)
    • 1 session during the week of August 18th, 2024.
  • b) Orientation sessions (in-person and/or virtual)
    • 1 or 2 per month from August through October 2024.

PLEASE NOTE that to be eligible to vote in the Concordia chapter elections, you must be both:

a.) A registered ACSioN Network member. If you haven’t done so, please go ahead and register now –  it only takes 2 minutes!

b.) A current undergraduate student at Concordia University with a valid student ID number.

Are you passionate about African, Caribbean, Black & Afro-Canadian issues and cultures, and do you want to make a truly positive and LASTING difference in our community?

Do you want to amaze yourself as you develop your personal Excellence and networking abilities while helping to increase the Unity in Our Community, both inside & outside the university?

Do you want to be part of the organization pioneering the strongest collaboration among students & professionals of African descent in Canada?

If you answered YES to any of the above: you’re ready to experience the awesome opportunities that await you as one of the 4 ACSioN-Concordia chapter Coordinators! Register as a candidate today!

We’ll see you at the elections!

ACSioN Canada NCA & 2023-2024 ACSioN Network-Concordia University Chapter Executive Board

For the leadership culture | Pour la culture du leadership